Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Get Active....Where and How to Start....

Work schedule is hectic, home is hectic, maybe you have kids, helping family and friends out with something, you haven`t trained in years, or maybe you`ve never trained..period...all this to say, we ALWAYS have something to do. It`s normal. That`s life. But it`s also the reasons we tend to use as excuses, as well. Granted, time can be tight...but every schedule can be altered, even slightly, to fit in some kind of physical activity.

I say `some kind`of physical activity because it can be anything. We often think that getting in shape, getting active, means going to the gym 6 days a week. SO, we don`t because how many people can actually do that. Though many can, many can`t! Does that mean it over... Does that mean it`s not possible... YES it is! You don`t have to enjoy the gym or taking aerobics classes. Maybe you love to dance....take a dance class. Maybe you love team sports...join a team. Bottom line, even if it`s for 1 hour a week, it`s 1 hour more than you were doing before. Is it enough... Truthfully, long term, no, but it`s a great start.

Then there`s the question of budgets...valid...but there are ways around that, too. We are lucky to have the options we do. Some companies have a gym in-house that`s free or inexpensive. Take advantage of that. Train at lunch, right after work and avoid the traffic, maybe right before work. If your company has no gym, and funds are tight, get together with some friends and do an activity together...even purchase a DVD of something fun like Turbo-Jam (which I LOVE and it`s an amazing workout), Tae-bo with Billy blanks...there are plenty. You can do these in the convenience of your own home at your convenience alone or with friends. A good workout DVD can be priceless at the end.

Then there`s the weather...in the summer, go outside. Go for a brisk walk, jog, hike, rollerblading...I could go on and on. In the winter, dress up in warm clothes and go outside...walking at a good pace when it`s cold out can be a mega work out in itself...make sure you dress well and go!!!!

Options...we`ve got plenty. No matter the budget, schedule or season, there are always activities you can do to cater to your personal situation. Take a piece of paper and write down your daily schedule for the week. This will make it easier to fit in an activity...you can see your entire week right in front of you. Make an appointment with yourself...yes yourself...maybe with friends, too but at least make it and keep it like you would keep an appointment with your doctor. This, essentially, might keep you away from the doctor for longer....you`ll be healthier and feel better. You`ll be around for more birthdays, be able to play with your kids more, maybe grand kids...you`ll be able to fit in that bikini you love, or that dress....Make the appointment.

If you`re having trouble starting, write me...I`ll help you out. If you have ideas that worked for you, let everyone know....comment...we`ll all appreciate reading about it! Who knows...that may be what helps someone out to get started.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!!! Happy planning!


1 comment:

  1. I completely agree that everyone should make an effort to squeeze at least some kind of physical activity into their daily lives.

    The hardest part for me was during a lifestyle change, in my case finishing my university degree and getting my "first real job". Due to the hours and travel I need to put into work, I seldom had the energy to "get in shape again".

    I started small: talking a long walk with my puppy. Then I added some a small workout at home every 2-3 days (a few push-ups and sit-ups). Now I'm trying to incorporate a better eating diet! Making small changes over a small period of time seems easier for me!

    Keeping track of my progress and eating habits is a great motivator!

    I will be following your posts :)

    All the best,

