Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fun Facts about our Health....Take a Peak!

I've been doing tons of reading this past while...I'm a bit of a nerd for 'fun facts' anout pretty much's a bunch I found interesting and wanted to you'll find them pretty interesting as well.

1. Taking care of your teeth can have a dramatic impact on heart health. If you develop gum disease, your chance having a heart attack or a stroke increases by get flossing!!!

2. Laughing can be a great workout for your heart. Whenever you laugh, the blood flow in your heart is increased for up to 45 minutes, which in turn improves your heart health. :)

3. Women have a better sense of smell than men. (They haven't met my

4. Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren't.

5. Wearing tight pants can lead to impotence in men. (and this is why skinny jeans and boys don't mix)

6. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. (huh!)
7. Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die. (then I'm in trouble..)

8. You mostly breathe from only one nostril at a time!

9. Perspiration is odorless; it is the bacteria on the skin that creates an odor.

10. Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced....EVERY HOUR!!!

11. From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size.( I was't tall to begin with...shoot)   
12. Children are more allergic to cockroaches than they are to cats! (note to self)

13. Although they won't admit it, women fart as much as men. (

14. Termites are the largest producers of farts...(huh!?!)

15.  Blueberry juice boosts memory.

16. You can overdose on caffeine. (ouffff!)

17. To burn off one plain M&M candy, you need to walk the full length of a football field. (that's 1 people....1)

18. There are more nutrients in the cornflake package itself than there are in the actual cornflakes.

19.  The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it. (yuckkkkkkkkkkk!)

20. Strawberries have more vitamin c than oranges.

21. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. 

22.  When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop ... Even your heart.

23. Once a human reaches the age of 35, he/she will start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells a day. The cells will never be replaced. (shoot!)
